Ashirvad Foundation

About Us

Our Vision..

The primary purpose of Aashirvad Foundation is to focus on the social, mental and physical welfare of the impoverished, destitute and ostracized sectors of our community. Providing them shelter and education irrespective of caste, creed, religion or sex. As we do our work compassion, empathy and empowerment will remain at the forefront of our organization.

We strive to be true to our founding core -

परोपकरार्थं इदं शरीरं <> Our life’s true purpose is helping others in need

We are inspired by one of the profound sacred guiding verses Lord Shri Krishna imparted thru Bhagvat Geeta -

दानं दीयतेऽनुपकारिणे । देशे काले च पात्रे सात्त्विकं ॥

Charity given to a worthy person without consideration of anything in return at the proper time and in the proper place is true goodness.

Aashirvad Foundation Logo

Our Philosophy..

We believe that our creator gave us human life with some purpose and it is our duty to try to fulfil it. We will try to leave this world a better place than it was when we came in. We will always strive and aim to create an environment and society fueled by the pillars of equality, humanity, kindness and empowerment for those denied basic opportunities due to challenging circumstances to ensure the betterment of society as a whole.

Our philosophy follows sacred guiding verses Lord Shri Krishna imparted thru Bhagvat Geeta –

कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन ।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि ॥

No matter what conditions you encounter in life, your right is only to the work that you contribute and not to the outcome. You should never be influenced to deviate from the righteous path nor should you be attached to inaction.

Our Objectives..

  1. To provide the elderly, orphans, children and women who are victims to abandonment, domestic violence, negligence, rape and other such horrific circumstances devoid of basic humanitarian rights with a stable home and shelter to ensure their welfare and security and flourishment.

  2. To provide education and skills to women and children who have been denied the basic right to education due to financial burdens, prevalent sex discrimination, backward societal norms and traditions to ensure their empowerment, equipment of basic cerebral faculties and to help hone qualities of self confidence and discipline required to navigate an arduous society and secure a bright future that every human has the inherent right to.

  3. To provide basic medical facilities and care to those seeking medical attention at a negligible cost with primary focus on women’s health and hygiene thru medical camps advocating against menstruation taboos and female feticide perpetuated amongst the low socio economic sectors and illiterate population to create a safe and secure environment for the welfare of girls and women.

  4. To provide psychological counselling to victims of rape, incest, domestic violence and societal oppression to ensure their mental well being and help alleviate their pain and trauma to the best of their ability to prevent emotional disturbances that such horrific acts of violence can have on the victims long term and to provide a shelter for their safety and security.

  5. We aim to set up a hotline for persons seeking immediate security and safety and emergency healthcare and psychological aid
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